It’s possible to build forms using Forma 36’s components and Formik. In this page we will show a couple of examples on how to do that.
and <Field>
Integrating with import React from 'react';import { Formik, Field } from 'formik';import {Checkbox,Form,FormControl,Radio,Select,Textarea,TextInput,} from '@contentful/f36-forms';export const FormikForm = () => {// Initial values must be defined and passed to the Formik componentconst initialValues = {textInput: '',textarea: '',select: 'Mumbai',radioGroup: 'apples',checkboxGroup: ['apples'],checkbox: false,};// Formik requires that we pass our own validation functionsconst validateRequired = (value) => !value;// Create your submit function that will be passed to Formik onSubmit propconst onSubmit = (data) => {console.log(data);};return (<Formik onSubmit={onSubmit} initialValues={initialValues}>{/* We get the handleSubmit from Formik to pass it to our Form onSubmit */}{({ handleSubmit }) => (<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>{/* We create a Field passing our input name and the validation function */}<Field name="textInput" validate={validateRequired}>{/** field - contains the value, name and handler for the input.* meta - contains touched and error state for the input.*/}{({ field, meta }) => (// To set the FormControl invalid state, check if there is an error related to this input<FormControl isInvalid={Boolean(meta.touched && meta.error)}><FormControl.Label>Text input</FormControl.Label><TextInput {...field} />{meta.touched && meta.error && (<FormControl.ValidationMessage>{meta.error}</FormControl.ValidationMessage>)}</FormControl>)}</Field>{/* Textarea */}<Field name="textarea" validate={validateRequired}>{({ field, meta }) => (<FormControl isInvalid={Boolean(meta.touched && meta.error)}><FormControl.Label>Textarea</FormControl.Label><Textarea {...field} />{meta.touched && meta.error && (<FormControl.ValidationMessage>{meta.error}</FormControl.ValidationMessage>)}</FormControl>)}</Field>{/* Select */}<Field name="select">{/* Since we don't need to show validation message for select we don't need the meta */}{({ field }) => (<FormControl>{/* We need only to pass all field props to Select */}<Select {...field}><Select.Option value="Cape Town">Cape Town</Select.Option><Select.Option value="Mumbai">Mumbai</Select.Option><Select.Option value="Rio de Janeiro">Rio de Janeiro</Select.Option></Select></FormControl>)}</Field>{/* Radio group */}<Field name="radioGroup">{({ field }) => (// For Radio.Group we need to pass the field props into the Radio.Group component<Radio.Group {...field}><Radio value="apples">Apples</Radio><Radio value="pears">Pears</Radio><Radio value="peaches">Peaches</Radio></Radio.Group>)}</Field>{/* Checkbox group */}<Field name="checkboxGroup">{({ field }) => (// For Checkbox.Group we need to pass the field props into the Checkbox.Group component<Checkbox.Group {...field}><Checkbox value="apples">Apples</Checkbox><Checkbox value="pears">Pears</Checkbox><Checkbox value="peaches">Peaches</Checkbox></Checkbox.Group>)}</Field>{/* Single checkbox */}<Field name="checkbox" validate={validateRequired}>{({ field, meta }) => (<FormControlisRequiredisInvalid={Boolean(meta.touched && meta.error)}>{/* With a single checkbox component we need to pass the field props into the Checkbox */}<Checkbox {...field} defaultChecked={false}>This checkbox is required</Checkbox>{meta.touched && meta.error && (<FormControl.ValidationMessage>{meta.error}</FormControl.ValidationMessage>)}</FormControl>)}</Field><Flex justifyContent="flex-end"><Button variant="primary" type="submit">Submit</Button></Flex></Form>)}</Formik>);};